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Marlborough Infant School Together for Excellence


School Uniform

At Marlborough Infant School, we take great pride in our appearance.

Our compulsory school uniform consists of:

  • white shirt/polo shirt
  • grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore (no joggers or leggings)
  • blue checked summer dress
  • navy blue sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan (no hooded jumpers)
  • smart, black school shoes (no trainers)




Whilst branded uniform is not compulsory, a Marlborough logo jumper/cardigan can be purchased online from Edgar Jerome LTD using the link below or at their shop (7 Wellington Street, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU11 1DX).


To contact them, call: 01252 322020 or email:


PE Kit

Physical Education is an important and valued part of school life at Marlborough. On days when your child has PE, they should come to school in their normal school uniform with their PE kit in a bag.

Our PE kit consists of:

  • a plain white polo shirt or t-shirt
  • black shorts
  • socks
  • trainers or plimsolls

In the colder months, children will need to wear black or dark grey tracksuit bottoms and their school sweatshirt as we often do PE outside, even if the weather is a little cooler.


Second-Hand Uniform

Uniformerly is a free, award-winning, online school uniform marketplace, where parents can buy, sell, give away & recycle outgrown school uniform. You can be up and running in less time than it takes to make a cup of tea! Please see the link below.


The more people who join and the more school items listed, the better Uniformerly becomes for everyone!